"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." -Albert Einstein
High Power Rocket Flight Computer
This is an on-going project of my personal development of a flight computer.
Avionics Capsule
Avionics are electronic instruments for use in aviation or astronautics which is what this device has become. This is a data logging computer which will record telemetry of a high power rocket. The telemetry data that will be logged during the rockets flight will be altittude, temperature, and pressure. Along with the flight computer, the electronic capsule also has a GoPro Session 4 attached to capture hi-quality video of the rockets flight and a control interface to interact with the electronic capsule and rocket.
The capsule uses a BeagleBone Black linux based machine and python programming language to develop its firmware. It also equipped with a barometric pressure sensor which communicates over the I2C bus in the BeagleBone Black. The capsule also features a 1.3" OLED screen and interactive buttons to monitor the rockets functionality up until launch.
- BeagleBone Black
- Monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED graphic display - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
- Adafruit BMP388 - Precision Barometric Pressure and Altimeter - STEMMA QT
- PURSUN F1003PD Power Bank
- Waterproof Metal Push Button Latching Switch with 5v LED Light
- Green and Blue LED
- Cylewet 5V Active Buzzer
- Apogee Components 98mm Electronics Bay Kit
- GoPro Hero 4 Session
Launch Vehicle
The launch vehicle is a solid propellant high power rocket. The rocket components are from a Madcow Super DX3 rocket kit which has been enchanced for durability with a fiberglass sleeve, epoxy resin, and tip-to-tip fin layering. The vehicle also features a two way mirror window for the internal camera and hatches for the elctronics.
The capabilities of the rocket are for a Level 1 and Level 2 Certification in High Power Rocketry in accordance with the standards of the National Association of Rocketry. The diameter of this rocket is 4" and the accepted motor size is 38mm or 54mm. The center of pressure of the vehicle has been calculated to be exactly 45.15" down from the nose cone and is expected to reach an apogee of 1234 at Level 1 and 3210 at Level 2.

Flight Simulation
The graphs shown above are a flight simulation of a launch vehicle to prove the succesful operation of the flight computer/capsule. As you can see, the flight data stored in the flight computer are plot points for alitutde, temperature, and pressure that is then saved into a CSV file and ready for the users desires. In most cases flight data will be presented in graph form with plot points as shown above, thus proving the system is operable. These graphs were made with python3 using numpy, matplotlib, and pandas as done in data science.